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README: From Plain Text to Publication

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Welcome to the first in a series of classes in which we will focus on designing your thesis publication.

While the term publication usually refers to written media, such as books or magazines, it can also be more broadly defined as an act of making something public, which can be printed of digital, broadcasted or released in any way so that it can be read, heard, or seen by others.

Although your thesis is primarily meant to be a written piece, the possibilities regarding its final published form go far beyond the traditional A4 printed and spiral-bound dissertation set in Times New Roman 12pt.

Right now you are probably at a stage where you are working on a thesis draft that is still plain text, or (actually most likely) rich text, formatted inside a file in Google Docs, Microsoft Word, Apple Pages or some other word processor.

Together we will be looking into how to go from the document you are currently working in to a coherent, legible, accessible and aesthetically pleasing as well as fitting publication, through exercises, collective discussions and individual talks.



This workshop plays with the format of the README, a text file — usually in simple plain text — used in software development, that contains information about the other files in a directory or archive of computer software.

With its filename written in uppercase to stand out and have prominence, a README text is to be read before starting an installation or process of sorts. It typically serves as a form of documentation that introduces and explains a project, often providing instructions to be followed along. Its general purpose is to offer guidance for others to engage with the material it refers to.

In these classes the README is explored as a means to start and guide the process of creating your publication, from a prompt for ideation to a personal handbook to collect design choices, notes-to-self and helpful references.


Class 01: Friday 13-12-2024


- Two publications that could serves as inspiration for your thesis’ design, whether for its aesthetics, media format or even specific details such as size, citation treatment or display of imagery. These publications can be anything from a book or magazine to a website or audio/video piece.
- Laptop and current thesis draft

Morning (10:00–13:00)

- Introduction
- Discuss references
- Work on exercise 01

Afternoon (14:00–17:00)

- Discuss exercise 01
- Work on exercise 02
- Show & tell



We will be collecting resources and references on are.na, a platform for saving and sharing content. Images, text, links, attachments, or embeds can be saved as ‘blocks’ inside ‘channels’. Accessing the blocks is possible with or without an account, but I would recommend having one (the free option allows for 200 blocks) so you can add to the channel: **.


Exercise 01


Read me while you walk. Hold me while you stand. Put me down while you take a pause.

In the process of developing this issue, we came up with several ways of incorporating the theme of walking into the design of the book. Eventually, we wanted to leave the liberty to the reader to flick through the pages and find different routes. The cover and the provided structure of page numbers are only a suggestion. The book starts and ends wherever you wish and folds accordingly. The central question to the research became: What does the perfect book for reading while walking look like?

It should be easy to fold and hold, made with supple paper, enabling you to turn pages with minimal hand gesturing. The roughness on the edges helps for a better grip. The pages should have big enough margins for the thumb holding the book with a slight pressure. It should be easy enough to hold with one hand, keeping the other one free to hold a bag, rest in a pocket, or hold an umbrella on rainy days. From experience we knew that the left page was usually causing problems, not fully displaying the text and making the last words of a line disappear behind the fold. We opted for a book that is always in a folded state, disclosing only what lies behind the next page. For optimal concentration, the right side is formatted to direct the focus on the main text, making it simpler for the eyes to move in the rhythm of the text without interruptions.

The left side is kept blank, only containing sources, footnotes, illustrations and images, and offering a lot of space for the notes of the reader who sits down on a bench alongside the walk for a pause. Although thoughts are more agile while the body is in motion, at times we need to sit down to catch these same thoughts. In this way, this issue materialises its topic and invites the reader to engage in walking as research practice. Leave your mark in the book, just like footsteps on the ground. We hope you enjoy the walks through the pages and the walks that you will take this book on.


This is the editor’s note that fills the first pages of the publication Walking as a Research Practice, signed by its editor Lynn Gommes and graphic designer Jana Sofie Liebe. I like to think of it as a type of README file, instructing how this book should be read and explaining how it is designed to be read like that.

As an exercise in helping you get started imagining a final publication, you will be writing a README text similar to the one above for your own thesis.

Begin by formulating the central theme or hypothesis of your research, as well as your methods and media you have been researching through. Does your research involve or require specific material in terms of imagery or threads of content?

Based on this, what does the perfect publication for reading your thesis look like? How would you imagine your thesis to be read? Are there ideal reading conditions for your thesis? Is your thesis to be “read” with any other senses?

Furthermore, how would these reflections inform the graphic design of your thesis? Even if your publication would be best experienced as video- or sound-based, how are these elements contained? If digital, what physical counterparts can be imagined for “handing in” and distributing your publication, and vice versa?

To do

- Create a text file in plain text or markdown format
- Write a short README text based on the above
- Make sure to structure your text using headings (h1=#, h2=##, etc)
- Upload your file to on the dedicated USB stick and/or are.na channel


Exercise 02

Following the previous exercise you will now take your README text and design it into a bookmark according to the ideas you have written about. This bookmark will ideally mark the intention you have set for your publication and help you navigate through your overall process, like a memento or talisman.

The bookmark can be physical or digital, made of pixels, paper or an entirely different material. You can expand the idea of the bookmark however far you’d like, as long as it makes sense with what you wrote about.

To do

- Design the content of your README text in/on your medium of choice
- Images of the results will be collected on a USB stick and/or the dedicated are.na channel


Class 02: Wednesday 22-01-2025


- Laptop with Indesign (or alternative) / code editor depending on your medium of choice
- Current thesis draft

Morning (11:00–13:00)

- Check-in
- Mise-en-place
- Work on layouts

Afternoon (14:00–17:00)

- Continue working on layouts
- Individual talks



Mise-en-place is a French culinary phrase which means "putting in place" or "gathering". Like the README file it relates to the act of preparing to start, in this case usually referring to a setup required for cooking in professional kitchens, where all ingredients and other components are organised and arranged in an orderly manner.

If you apply this term to the context of designing a publication, how can you arrange things in order to make your design process more efficient and consistent. What are your ingredients?

- Thesis title
- Abstract
- Table of contents
- Chapter title (H1)
- Subheadings (H2, H3…)
- Body text (p)
- Pull quotes
- Images/graphics
- Foot-/side-/endnotes
- Bibliography
- …?

Should they be "chopped" up further? Are there different threads of body text?

Going from your text editor document towards a publication, more components will come to mind, such as page numbering, running heads and other navigational elements. When it comes to styling and laying out all these components in your publication, some will fixed "rules", whereas other may have certain variables.

It may help to look at existing publications and analyse their elements and ways of laying them out.

To stay consistent, even when it comes to varying scenarios, it is useful to work with master pages/spreads, grid columns, baseline grids, paragraph and character styles. (This applies to Indesign – working in code inherently has this kind of logic, but also here there are ways to enhance consistency).

Today you will explore different layouts that your thesis may need and how to create a system around this.

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